
Survey reveals fresh insights into consumer views on sugar reduction

18 Mar

16 March 2016  •  Author(s): Victoria White

Today, Chancellor George Osborne announced a sugar levy on the soft drinks industry in the UK. Now, a new survey, commissioned by SenSus, has revealed that reducing sugar intake is emerging as a key concern amongst many European consumers.


The survey found that more than 60% of those surveyed monitor their dietary sugar intake and 25% actively search for low sugar food products. The survey also explored consumer perceptions of artificial sweeteners and natural alternatives to sugar, such as chicory root fibre, in decreasing the sugar content of foods.

The MSI-ACI European...

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Personalizing Your Marketing Research

11 Mar

As users of marketing research intelligence, we recognize the merits of custom marketing research clearly outweigh a one-size-fits-all approach. Studies designed around precise objectives yield outcomes specifically addressable to those objectives. With all that said, a recent experience as a survey participant prompted me to think of opportunities to take our customization even further. This began thanks to a restaurant that I visit frequently sending me a questionnaire where I became a highly involved participant. Little did I know that the information I was about to provide would be leveraged into action for my INDIVIDUAL benefit. Following is how the process played out as well as ideas going forward on how you can personalize marketing research to your customers’ benefit.


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