Packaging test

How do consumers rate the packaging of my product? With the packaging test you gain insight into the appreciation and functionality of your product packaging. With this you know how to improve the product and adapt it to the needs of the customer.

The benefits listed

Results within 48 hours

Insight into points for improvement

Identifying customer needs

Optimize Your Packaging Strategy

With the MSI Direct packaging test, you will know within 48 hours what consumers think of your product packaging. The research is conducted by means of an online survey among a representative target group of the Netherlands. With the results you can decide whether your packaging is a success. You discover where the possible points for improvement lie and how you can adapt your product to the needs of the customer.

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Is my new product/service viable? With the PSR product test you find out whether your idea is profitable before you make major decisions. This way you have more certainty before you make large investments.

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Usage and Attitude (U&A) study

Do consumers understand and appreciate my product? A Usage and Attitude (U&A) survey provides insight into consumer behavior and preferences. This kind of research is very valuable if you want to improve products or develop new ones.

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