Product development

As a developer of a new product or service, you know better than anyone how important it is to tailor your products to consumer needs and to ensure that they meet market demand. But how do you know which products have the most potential on the market? How do you ensure that your investment in product development is not wasted on products that ultimately fail?

At MSI, we understand the challenges product developers face. We offer you professional guidance in conducting market research to determine the potential of your new product ideas. Our experienced team of market researchers will help you set up the right research and interpret the results.

Our market researchers are ready to help you determine the potential of your new product ideas and take the next step in product development.

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Usage and Attitude (U&A) study

Do consumers understand and appreciate my product? A Usage and Attitude (U&A) survey provides insight into consumer behavior and preferences. This kind of research is very valuable if you want to improve products or develop new ones.

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PSR Product

Is my new product/service viable? With the PSR product test you find out whether your idea is profitable before you make major decisions. This way you have more certainty before you make large investments.

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Packaging test

How do consumers rate the packaging of my product? With the packaging test you gain insight into the appreciation and functionality of your product packaging. With this you know how to improve the product and adapt it to the needs of the customer.

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Campaign pretest

Will my campaign be effective with my target audience? A campaign pre-test is a research method you can test your campaign before it is rolled out. These tests help identify any problems and limitations of the campaign so you can optimize your campaign before it goes live.

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