Competitor position

We understand the importance of growing your business and establishing your brand as a leading brand in the industry. An important part of achieving these goals is understanding your competitive position in the market.

If you don't know what your competitors are doing and how they differentiate themselves from your business, you may struggle to keep up and keep your customers happy. It is therefore essential to know what the competitors are doing and how you can differentiate yourself from the crowd.

To help you understand your competitive position, we offer various surveys. We can help you analyze the competition in different areas, such as price and brand awareness. We can help you understand what your competitors are doing better than you and how you can differentiate yourself to stay ahead of the competition.

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Relevant for you

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Positioning research

What is my position in the market compared to competitors? With a positioning study you get a clear picture of the position of your brand in the market and how it compares to the competition. This research will help you identify your brand's strengths and understand what customers care about when choosing a product or service.

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Brand awareness research

Is my brand name known to consumers? A brand awareness survey is a research method that helps you measure the awareness of your brand name among the general public. It can help you determine marketing strategies and expenses.

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Pricing survey

What is the optimal price for my products or services to remain competitive in the market and maximize my profitability? A price study is a type of market research that helps you determine the right price for your products or services. With the right price you are competitive in the market and you can maximize profitability.

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Brand tracker

How is my brand performing? With brand tracking you continuously measure how your brand scores in the market. This way you know exactly what the influence is of each brand decision. This allows you to make actionable decisions to grow your brand.

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