Contact information

My research

Target group

Data delivery


Contact information

First of all, we need your e-mail adress so we can contact you.

E-mail address

This field is required!

Company name

To be used on the quote.

What would you like to call your project?

Please enter your project name here. We use this name as a reference to your project.

My research is

Select the type of research you want.

  • A single measurement is a one-off survey project.
  • A repeating measurement will be executed several times. The master questionnaire remains the same, we assume approximately 25% change between measures. Ofcourse it is possible to do more than six repeating measurements. In that case, please contact us!

How many times do you want to carry out this research?

Choose the frequency of the measurements here. The timings do not have to be known yet: they may be consecutive measurements, but there may also be an interval between them.

My survey will be approximately

You choose the time your respondent needs to complete your questionnaire here.

Please note: A short questionnaire of up to 10 minutes is recommended.

The duration of the questionnaire affects several factors.

  • Data quality
  • A long questionnaire affects the quality of the data. This is because it increases the chances of the respondent dropping out. Moreover, a respondent's attention span wears off faster, which can make the data less reliable.

  • The price
  • The longer a questionnaire takes, the more expensive your survey becomes.

Which target group do you want to survey?

The default choice is a nationally representative sample. This means that we will invite a group of respondents who, based on background characteristics, correspond to the distribution in society. Of course, it is possible to specify your target group by clicking on "Other".

Bespoke Sample

If you have specific requirements for the respondents you want to contact, you can enter them here. This makes it possible to indicate that you only want to approach “coffee drinkers” with your research, for example. When you describe two groups, you indicate how many respondents you want per group. You can add up to three target groups in this form.

Total number of respondents (total of all measurements together)

This is the sum of all measurements taken together. For example, 6 measurements * N=150 = 900 respondents.


Here it is possible to indicate whether or not you want respondents who previously participated in your research to be approached for follow-up research(s).

After what time period can previous respondents be invited again?

The time period determines after how much time we may approach previously approached respondents again.

Please note: this choice has an effect on the costs for your research.

Incidence rate

The incidence rate is a percentage. This reflects the extent to which your chosen target group occurs in society. A nationally representative sample has an incidence rate of 100%, meaning that everyone falls within the target group. For example, if you are looking for homeowners, 40% of society are part of this group. Which makes the incidence rate 40%.

The incidence rate is very decisive for the cost of your research. The lower the incidence rate, the fewer respondents can participate. This increases the cost per respondent. It also affects the duration of the fieldwork of your study.

How do you want to receive the data?

Please choose how you’d like the files to be exported and delivered to you.

And how often?

Your research will be carried out several times. How often would you like to receive a data delivery?

Do you want to measure spontaneous brand and/or advertising awareness and have it coded?

Spontaneous brand and/or advertising awareness are questions used to measure your brand awareness and its competitors. By default, we code to the list of brands in the aided brand awareness question.

Will you need the data to be weighted?

This means assigning new values to portions of the results to make it representative of the country or your bespoke demographic. For example, if the sample required 60% urban vs 40% rural, but it achieved 70% urban vs 30% rural, the values of these respondents can be weighted to rebalance to 60/40.

When do you want us to start inviting respondents? (Optional)

When do you expect the project to begin? Because we need to programm te questionnaire, you can schedule the start date of your survey from next week. If this does not work for you, please contact us! Or mention it in the comments field at the end of this application.

Delivery data

The required time obviously depends on the components of the project and fieldwork. On average, our ad hoc projects take 10-12 working days. There is a comments box on the next page for any requirements you have, including how quickly you need the data!

Extra option

An additional option makes it possible to compare prices for different specifications. We have copied your data. You can choose to invite a larger or smaller group of respondents or change the number of submissions.

Option 2


Option 3


Are you sure?

You are about to submit your request. Are all your details correct?

We will send a confirmation of your request to:

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